Sunday, September 22, 2013

Becoming Beast Boy

I haven't posted in a while. It's not because there's nothing to say or write about. It's because I'm still trying to adjust to the kids being back in school and their after-school schedules and the homework and everything else. Yes, it's sad, I know. They've been in school for a month, I should have this figured out by now. But I feel like I don't have free time for anything. And that is the complete and honest truth. Laugh if you must. I am getting better...I actually think that I have things under control now that I have bought a {HUGE} new desk calendar and have several note pads around the house to remind me of, well, everything. Fingers crossed. I never thought 2nd and 4th grade homework and soccer practice, swim team practice, (well, and therapy and swim and preschool for Curtis) would make me so messed up in the head!

The point is...the blog...and most other things...have taken a back-seat due to my frazzled nature. After the craziness of the day has worn off and the kids are in bed, all I can do is shower, eat, read one of the two books I'm currently reading (love them both!), and pass out. That's another problem, you see--I go to bed too late. Midnight, usually. Then up at 6:30am. So I'm tired and frazzled and usually pretty out of it most days. Or every day.

But let's talk about our boy...
Curtis has been fabulous. So much fun stuff has been going on with him, I really didn't know what to post about. I'm pressed for time tonight, and this is a busy week for us (in addition to all the usual stuff, we have parent-teacher conferences at my big kids' school--which means half-days all week--and Curtis has his Everybody Plays photo shoot on Wednesday!) I decided that I just had to talk about his new identity. I couldn't go another day without letting everyone in on it. 

Curtis is no longer Curtis. He is now Beast Boy. 
Beast Boy

Doesn't it look just like him? 
Beast Boy is a character from "Teen Titans Go!", which is Curtis' new favorite cartoon. If you've never seen it, you should. It's pretty funny. It's a continuation of the "Teen Titans" series, which first aired 10 years ago (this show is cuter if you ask me, but I'm not a superhero super fan so what do I know?)

And Curtis' dad (my husband) is no longer "Daddy", he's now Cyborg.


It's hysterical! The entire family actually has a spot on the show--there are 3 boys (Beast Boy, Cyborg, and Robin) and 2 girls (Raven and Star Fire), so it works out perfectly. But the only two that have had their names really stick are Beast Boy and Cyborg. Curtis, at times, will insist that we call him Beast Boy. During those times, he won't respond to "Curtis".

 Me: Curtis, do you want some milk?
Curtis: Say, "Beast Boy, do you want some milk?"
Me: ???
Curtis: Mommy! Say, "Beast Boy, do you want some milk?"
Me: Beast Boy, do you want some milk?
Beast Boy: Sure!

And when he sees Daddy, he calls out, "CYBORG!", even if we are in a public place--he will yell it as loud as he can. Definitely has earned us some strange looks.

I'm not going to lie--there are times during the day when I roll my eyes. I do get a little annoyed having to correct myself 100 times during the day. I, at times, forget that my child is Beast Boy and not Curtis. Sometimes he corrects me and sometimes he doesn't. When he does, he's not always that polite about it (see above). He's also majorly obsessed with the TV show and will try to watch the same one over and over and over again--so I have to cut that off (obviously!) But, really, it's the cutest thing. I have to go with the flow here and laugh about it because it is just too funny. Big bro and big sis are getting a huge kick out of it, too. 

Sis made me take a video of him today while he was dancing at the beginning of his favorite episode (Burger vs. Burrito). See if you can hear him talking about how he's Beast Boy and Daddy is Cyborg. Turn the volume up so you can hear his little voice over my loud one!

I wish I had more videos of him as he did his Beast Boy and Cyborg activities during the day. I don't use the video camera feature on my phone enough! I'm glad sis convinced me to shoot this today. 

I bet you can all guess what he wants to be for Halloween. And of course there are NO Beast Boy costumes out there. Homemade costume? Say it ain't so!! Probably one for Cyborg, too. AHHHH!!!!!

Have any of you had a child so obsessed with a character in a TV show or from a book or from...anywhere? My other kids have loved shows and movies before, but I don't know if either of them were ever quite like this. It's new to me. 

It's time for the little beast to go to bed, so off I go.

I really, really want to show you all his new swimming trick. I need video of that, though, so bear with me. I have to plan ahead and bring my video camera so I can get a decent video. Hopefully this week! He's been working hard and making a lot of progress--working on taking a breath--but in a "special" way. Stay tuned!

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